I graded for an electronics class winter quarter '02. It's really amazing what some people turn in. In addition to the usual submissions with only half of the assignment scribbled on a single page, I received something that I didn't expect. It was a page full of answers and a floppy disk containing a plain text file. The author's last name has been removed to protect the innocent. In case he ever takes down the pictures from his site, I have archived them.
Read the Text File Browse the PicturesThe results may be detrimental. Your hair may turn funny colors. You may start dating my friend's ex-boyfriend. You never know.
Be AfraidFour years of my life can be summed up in a single picture.
Watch Me Trivialize My College ExperienceAfter watching way too much anime, I whipped up a quick web page. It toys with the idea of taking cats to their next step of evolutionary potential.
Watch Boo Evolve